TSEI is a separate entity having stakes Microplus netwaorking solutions P Ltd MNS, which is a leader in providing IT infrastructural projects to state and central Government, educational institutions etc, having 17 crore turnover and also a official partnet of BSNL and Railte; Corporation of india having 18 years of experience

To Venture into training industry TSEI been started off and to begin with, we are offering

1. a Technical course on Ethical hacking - Cyber security course and

2. Diploma in Management Studies.

For cyber security course, we had partnered with Quick heal Academy and Hindustan University. We also offer Diploma in Management studies aiming to give the essence of Management program in short duration at a valuable package for the future managers.

TSEI business partner of Quick Heal Academy for Cyber security courses

With the increase in digitalization, hoping increased rural network connectivity, it will increase usage of internet many fold. So there will be immense requirement for cyber security related skill sets in keeping the data protected and network safe. Also there are chances for cyber related crimes. To address all this, we need to gear up resource which is lacking to the expected demand. One side, each college produce more routine engineers, so abundant resource is getting generated than the demand. This leads to increase in jobless resource. On the other hand, there is a demand, for which there is lack of skill set. To balance this gap, we are offering this course, for which we had partnered with Quick Heal Academy.